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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Inclusion is the heart of our mission

When we opened in 1891, our initial class of students included groups who had historically been denied equal access to higher education, such as women, Native and Black Americans. And we’re constantly evolving to live up to the ideal that all are welcome, even as we acknowledge past wrongs.

Working towards a diverse campus, where people from all types of backgrounds could work, learn and innovate together has contributed to our legacy of impact.

How we support diversity, equity and inclusion

Geometric Shapes

Embrace diversity

At Stanford, we aim to transform the culture for our employees by championing and expanding the diversity that strengthens the university community.

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Advance equity

We intentionally embed equity in all aspects of our work, such as recruiting, hiring and promotion processes, ensuring access and support for all Stanford employees.

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Cultivate inclusion

We are committed to fostering a culture of belonging and maintaining an employee experience where all at Stanford feel valued as an essential part of the university.

Gary Hamilton Portrait

Diversity, equity, and inclusion is a movement at Stanford that has high potential for being a game changer. The key is making the movement a lifestyle where everyone freely participates.

Gary Hamilton

Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs

Maile Kuida Portrait

The diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts at Stanford are improving and are taking action to meet the times. I've been very impressed by the efforts and seeing our students and staff advocate for change.

Maile Kuida

School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences

Lisa Ramee Portrait

Stanford knows it still has opportunity to improve diversity, equity and inclusion, and has acknowledged areas that need work and is trying to implement ways to continue improving.

Lisa Ramee

Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

Rebecca Tran Portrait

Stanford takes what is happening on the outside and brings it back into a local level. I feel like my opinions are heard and I am in a safe space to give my feedback without fear- Stanford leadership is listening and responding.

Rebecca Tran

Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs and Chief Financial Officer

Courtney Payne Portrait

I am proud that Stanford has acknowledged that we have a lot of work to do to make a better future a reality and is putting resources next to that acknowledgment.

Courtney Payne

Graduate School of Business

Stanford GROUPS Building communities

Stanford community groups create uniquely supportive opportunities for professional development, education and fellowship.

Group Shot of the Black Staff Alliance (BSA)

Black Staff Alliance (BSA)

BSA serves as a source of support for all Black employees at Stanford. The BSA seeks to address the individual and collective concerns of Black staff on campus and strive to promote a culture that stresses upward mobility and advancement in the workplace by creating an environment that enables networking, collaboration, and mentorship and by fostering a tradition of lifelong learning as part of professional development. The BSA, formerly the African-American staff group, encourages cooperative and interactive relationships with all Stanford community members.

Group Shot of the La Raza Staff Association (LRSA)

La Raza Staff Association (LRSA)

LRSA was established in 1981 to improve Latino staff's status and presence at all levels in the Stanford community and continues to work toward the development of an environment conducive to the welfare and advancement of Latino staff. LRSA hosts or co-sponsors events throughout the year with informal discussions or presentations on various topics of interest, such as cultural issues and professional development.

Group Shot of the Filipino American Community at Stanford (FACS)

Filipino American Community at Stanford (FACS)

FACS is a civic, cultural, educational and nonprofit entity aimed at bringing together Filipino Americans in the Stanford community to promote Filipino culture, build community and support campus diversity initiatives. FACS provides an opportunity for members to build leadership and organization skills that they might not otherwise have in their current job and gain experience leading groups.

Group shot of the Queer University Employees at Stanford (QUEST)

Queer University Employees at Stanford (QUEST)

QUEST is a network of Stanford staff and faculty who work to foster and support a diverse LGBT campus community by addressing social issues and assisting the university with individual, group and political concerns of the LGBT employees. Through programming, QUEST works to support Stanford to become a model institution on LGBT issues, providing opportunities to connect and network with Stanford community members.

Group Shot of the Asian Staff Forum (ASF)

Asian Staff Forum (ASF)

Asian Staff Forum (ASF) is a group of Stanford employees who identify as members of the Asian/Pacific/Indian Sub-Continent community or are interested in Asian culture. Formed in 1986, ASF seeks to represent, support and promote these employees' interests and strives to develop a supportive network of Asian Americans and their allies in the Stanford community and contribute to a more inclusive Stanford.

Group Shot of the American Indian Staff Forum (AISF)

American Indian Staff Forum (AISF)

AISF is a fellowship of American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders who work at or are affiliated with Stanford. The goal of AISF is to promote social, cultural and educational opportunities for members and provide opportunities for the non-Native community at Stanford to learn more about their rich heritage and diverse cultures.

Group shot of the Disability Staff Forum (DSF)

Disability Staff Forum (DSF)

DSF is a diverse group of staff and faculty, with and without disabilities, interested in promoting awareness of disability issues. DSF was established in November 1989 to encourage and involve people to gain support, gain access, gain knowledge to explore and develop opportunities for the disabled and help people learn more about disabilities.

Diversity We are dedicated to furthering our positive impact on the world—and that begins with our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion on campus.

Persis Drell Portair
  • Persis Drell
  • Provost, Emerita, James and Anna Marie Spilker Professor, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and of Physics

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